Anansio vaikai

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Neil Gaiman: Anansio vaikai (Paperback, 2011, Vaga)

Paperback, 384 pages

Published Aug. 23, 2011 by Vaga.

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5 stars (2 reviews)

Šis pasakojimas prasideda paprastai. Storulis Čarlis Nansis – drovus finansininkas, nykias dieneles stumiantis eilinėje Londono kontoroje. Jam gerai sekasi su skaičiais, bet prastai su merginomis. Aplinkiniai jo nepastebi, o viršininkas negailestingai išnaudoja. Nieko ypatingo? Palaukit, viskas tik prasideda. Vieną vakarą karaokės scenoje dainuodamas miršta Storulio Čarlio tėvas, senasis Nansis... ir gyvenimas apsiverčia aukštyn kojomis.

Storulis Čarlis nustemba ne mažiau už skaitytojus, sužinojęs, kad jo tėvas – ne šiaip sau tėvas. Jis – voras Anansis, archetipinė Karibų dievybė, maištinga dvasia, jaukianti socialinę santvarką, kurianti gėrybes tiesiog iš giedro dangaus ir negailestingai erzinanti priešus.

Pagaliau Storulio Čarlio gyvenimas tampa kur kas įdomesnis... ir kur kas pavojingesnis: prie jo namo durų išdygsta niekada nematytas brolis – šaunus, šmaikštus, žavus, kaip tik toks, koks visada svajojo būti Storulis Čarlis. Kartu su brolio pasirodymu ima megztis keistas ir paslaptingas, juokingas ir įpainiojantis pasakojimo voratinklis.

17 editions


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After reading the Vulture/New Yorker article I have chosen to remove my reviews of this man's content from my accounts. I choose to place this text here because I think it is important to juxtaposition these things. I also don't think that pretending I never read these things is particularly helpful either.

Fat Charlie is more funny than expected

5 stars

Fat Charlie has a comfortable life in London and a lovely fiancée whose mother is hell on Earth. Fat Charlie cannot say his life is everything he has ever dreamt of, but when his father dies and he learns he is the son of a god and that he has a brother, the life he knows and Rosie are gone and Fat Charlie wants it back.

This book was a brilliant surprise. Whether you like or do not like American Gods, give this a try because there is nothing in common between the two except that there are gods in it. Fat Charlie, Spider, Rosie, Rosie's mother and Daisy are characters that we easily care about but I wasn't expecting the humour. This book is way funnier than it should be because it is beautifuly written, the characters and story evolve in a very satisfying way and it even has …